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Hi, Ted - I read some of your posts in the archives, glad to see that your
back, and ancious to hear some of your experiences.

Ya, I must agree with you most veggies aren't too good dried, and they seem
impervious to water afterward.  You might add asparagus to that short list
( sliced verrrry thin on a long diagonal).  I am also finding that
potatoes, yams, beets make good vegetable chips if you kind of bake and dry
at the same time.( I call this oven fry-dry). This process is difficult to
describe, and it takes a lot of fiddling, but I really miss the veggies out
there on the trail.  Everybody has a different oven, so you have to work
out the process for what you have.  I preheat the oven to about 350, and
when it has come up to that temperature, I put the thinnly sliced yams on a
slightly buttered cookie sheet in the oven, and then TURN THE OVEN OFF. 
Later I peel the pieces off the cookie sheet before they are dried, and
turn them, then I warm the oven to continue the drying, and put them back
inthe oven til they are crispy.  The OVEN IS OFF ALL THE TIME THAT THE
VEGGIES ARE IN THE OVEN.  You might be able to use the "warm"setting of the
oven for the drying part; I haven't tried that. If you plan to eat them dry
as chips, they have to be sliced as thin as you can.  Uniformity of
thickness also helps: a sharp knife helps, a slicing food processer would
probably really help.   All three of these veggies reconstitute but it
takes time and they need some cooking to be soft.  The yams are really
great in certain kinds of curries, and they and the beets (which I only use
as chips)have a lot of vitamins and minerals.

So Miled (97) threw out his veggies after two months.  Was this on the
trail because he tired of their inert nature, or was this 2 months after he
dried them that something else happened.

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
