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Re: [at-l] cell phones

Ok guys (and girls - and god forbid anyone at Wellesley heard me say "girls"...)
About this cell phone thing...

For me it all comes under "Hike your own hike".  If you feel better
carrying one, go ahead.  All the "data" in the world that it won't really
help in an emergency, even if it's all considered "fact", doesn't really
matter.  If you feel uncomfortable not having it, to the point where it
affects your good time, then by all means carry it!

Just DON'T have loud, long conversations on it while you staying in a
shelter with others, and don't be set up for incoming calls until you are
by yourself..  So I guess the motto is Hike your own hike, just don't annoy
other hikers with your behavior..... just like anything else (smoking,
drinking, loud partying, bell-bottoms, unruly dogs, etc, etc, etc).

Now go to your bivys and think about what you've done... ;)


Sharon Sharpe
Head Athletic Trainer
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA

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